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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Belly Dancing For Weight Loss - Can Belly Dancing Help in Reducing Tummy Fat?

Exercise is very important for maintaining a healthy and fit body. It is the best way to reduce tummy fat. Despite having many benefits in exercise, people do not feel motivated to exercise as it gets repetitive and boring. A fun way to incorporate vigorous exercise in your routine is belly dancing. It will help you to reduce that tummy fat without hitting the treadmill or any gym.

Does belly dancing help to reduce tummy fat?

· Belly dance is one of the most vigorous dance forms. It is performed on fast paced rhythmic music and thus it can raise the heartbeat to a considerable level.

· Once the heartbeat is raced the metabolic rate also rises. Then like with any other aerobic activity the fat reserves of the body are burnt and the process of weight loss begins.

· As the name suggests, the part of your body that is the focus of attention in dancing is the belly area. There are a number of dynamic motions that employ the abdominal muscles, and help to give a workout to these groups of muscles.

· Usually the abs are not used in a lot of work out, besides here is a way to work this group without long boring crunches and sit ups.

· The movements of belly dancing are holistic and target the entire body.

· Belly dancing is a great stress buster which helps release feel good hormones. As a result, for all those whose body fat is a result of excessive cortisol secretion, belly dancing helps to reduce stress levels and thus aids weight loss.

· Belly dancing is a complete exercise because it requires the mind and body to be in rhythm. It is especially good for tummy fat reduction as it is an activity where you have the incentive to enjoy the process of targeting this problem area.

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