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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

7 Tips to Easy Weight Loss With the Low GI Diet

Did you know that certain high fat foods such as chocolate have a low GI ranking? Now this doesn't mean that you can head straight for the fridge, and start binging on chocolate because the GI is low. This is still a high saturated fat and needs to be limited if you are aiming for weight loss.

Today the low GI diet has been referred to as the 'power tool' for healthy weight loss. This diet requires you to eat sensible quantities of bread, pasta, cereal, rice and noodles. All you need to do is choose the 'right' foods.

This diet teaches you about the different types of carbohydrates and how some may be beneficial to you while others may not. It also helps you to understand that eating carbohydrates are part of a healthy diet and can be very beneficial in healthy weight loss.

With the low GI diet it does not require any supplements or the purchase of different foods and by following this diet you will be preparing more meals at home while also saving money, which is great for anyone's budget in these tough economic times.

The basics of switching to a low GI diet:

1. Eat breakfast cereals that includes oats, barley and brain

For More Related Topics Blog: Quick Diet Plans To Lose Weight Fast

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