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Monday, October 7, 2013

Blogging For Weight Loss

Blogging about your weight loss efforts is one way to guarantee your success. Follow other bloggers as they battle the bulge.

"Blogging, dieting and exercise are all winning combinations for permanent weight loss."

If you're struggling to lose weight alone the road can seem a lot longer and more daunting. If you live with people who are not trying to lose weight and are indifferent to your own weight loss goals, it can be even more difficult to stick with a plan. In the past two years I've been able to shed 60 lbs not just from diet and exercise, but also from blogging about my journey. You wouldn't believe how many weight loss blogs are out there and as soon as you set one up for yourself you will find hundreds of other people out there rooting for you every step of the way.

When you blog you become more accountable for your weight loss.

If you publicize your weight and the food you eat then you are less likely to overeat, or reach for that second piece of pie. I know for me having people to talk to and a sounding board for the ups and downs of weight loss has been a proven source of motivation. If you're struggling to lose weight alone, you should really consider starting a blog.

I would even bet that the 5% who keep their weight off have some sort of support. Why not find support in those on the internet that are trying to lose weight as well. For me, finding a diet program that worked for me, The Day Off Diet, and blogging about it has been a winning combination, I've been able to lose over 15 lbs in four weeks!

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